Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fun little tidbit:

So, just recently Kaylie was sitting at the dinner table, I was in the kitchen and I heard her say: "E A Sports, it's in the game." What? And so I prompted it again, I say "EA Sports." She says "It's in the game." Yup, someone has been watching someone's daddy play a little too many video games! Ha!
Then I remembered a long time ago about how she used to say "Bia bia." Not sure how to spell that, and I actually never heard the song that it came from, but once again, someone was influenced by her daddy listening to something a little too much!
We learned early that this little gal is a sponge, she soaks up everything she hears, so we have to be sooooo careful, and it doesn't surprise me one bit when she says things to me that sound a LOT like myself talking to her... he he he!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

oh wow. Too funny!