Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Things you might not know about Tiffer

So I put this on my facebook, but in case some of you aren't on there, I thought I'd put it it's a new post, I know I need one of those! Ha! P.S. The reason there haven't been any lately is because we no longer let Kaylie take no free time during the day anymore...enough said.

1. I think there really is something to those horoscope profiles...I truly am a Leo, and the descriptions always fit.
2. I always like to be the center of attention. I think anyone who knows me, knows that. :)
3. I hate videos of people getting hurt, that people always think are funny...I just ache for that poor person, and I usually don't laugh...
4. I like to use the ...'s a lot, in everything I write...
5. I wish I saw my friends more.
6. I LOVE to dance. I dance with my kids, in our kitchen, quite often!
7. I love learning new things, especially good, easy recipes.
8. I really enjoy scrapbooking a whole lot more now that I know how to do it digitally. And my kid's scrapbooks are almost caught up.
9. I wish I had lots more time to scrapbook, and blog, and facebook, journal, read, etc, etc, etc...
10. I really love teeth (like Jen!), and really do find satisfaction in my job, even though I don't love having to go to work...if that makes sense...
11. I don't know why I can't make myself go to bed earlier, both my kids are asleep, and I always find something I need to do.
12. I love to go on dates with my husband, I still get giddy to be alone with him!
13. I like hanging out with the teenagers in my ward, it really is a fun calling (assignment)!
14. Food storage and emergency preparedness are always on my mind, I'm always looking for good deals to stock up on.
15. I watch re-runs of The Office daily, sometimes more than one, usually while I'm nursing.
16. I donate my extra breastmilk. I did when I was nursing Kaylie too.
17. I really like it when my muscles are sore after a hard workout, then I know I did a good job.
18. I like to learn new technology, I don't wanna be like our parents who need help typing and printing documents, I wanna stay up to speed on stuff...
19. I miss cheering, especially was really fun.
20. I graduated "Magna cum laude" from college (BS Dental Hygiene), and got 100% on my clinical boards, but failed the stupid Local Anesthesia boards twice. Yep, twice. And secretly I don't care, and am actually happy about it, because I HATE poking people, and had no desire to be legal to do it!!! Ha!
21. I love that my kids got the opposite combinations of hair and eyes as James and I. Kaylie has blonde hair and brown eyes, and Josh so far has hazel eyes and brown hair. Just what I wanted...
22. I wish I was a better housekeeper.
23. I love new running shoes, and workout clothes.
24. I crave sunshine. I am so happy on bright sunny days, and I love it at work when the sun shines so bright that I have to open the cupboard so it doesn't blind my patient.
25. I love productive days, and am so proud of myself for running like 10 errands with 2 kids. That is some serious skills I tell ya, balancing feeding, and carrying, and chasing, and list checking, and driving, and nap schedules, and yeah, I just always feel like supermom when I get home!
But I also really love the days when we just stay home and do nothing but play and read stories and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...Life is good.


alisquire said...

We can't let Ada nap either. So sad!

Barb said...

That's so cool that you donate your breast milk! I know there are many babies and families that you bless because of it! Is there a protocol or do you just drop it off at the hospital?

Ben said...

26. You dared me to try to wear your little scrub bottoms freshman year of college in the dorms. I hope you still don't have that picture...

Don't worry, James - not what you're thinking. :) I actually think it was her roommate who dared me to do it. The red-headed one?

Oh, and I was thinkin - all of your pre-4th-Ward yet reunited-in-4th-Ward connections (Shayne, Kristi, Me) are all out here in Columbus, so you guys should be making plans to be Ohio residents. Looks like it just works out that way...

Sharp Space said...

I just learned some cool stuff about you. I had so much fun hanging out, lets do it again soon, I know Sonja was so sad she had to cancel. That was so fun watching the babies play together, they are soooooo cute. Maybe in a couple of weeks!!!

Shiree said...

I am glad that someone enjoys running errands with their little ones. I despise it.