Saturday, May 23, 2009

Two big days for James and Tiff

Wow. This day has been long due. My sweet James finally graduated!!!! Wahoo! The poor guy had to take 2 years off for a mission, and then another 2 years off while he worked and I got my degree... What a trooper. And what a relief and life change it has already been. He has been a little workhorse at home now, without having to leave for class or spend time studying, it has been so fun to have him around...and have ya seen our's looking sooooo much better since he's had time to kill... Yay for graduation! ...Oh, and yay for a raise too!!!

Next up, a day I was dreading. May 16...Triathlon day. I was soooo nervous for this one, because I had been originally trying to train for both the half marathon and triathlon at the same time, and it just got to be too much. So I stopped biking and swimming, and deciding to pick those both back up after the half. Well, intentions are always great, right... Well, really not totally my fault, but I didn't bike but like 2 or 3 times, and swimming, nope, not for like 2 months, (Josh won't stay in the kidscare at the gym anymore...cries so hard they come get me off the treadmill, after 2 or 3 times of that, I bagged the whole gym idea...hence, no swimming pool to train in...) say the least, I felt unprepared...
Here I am before the race...can you sense the nerves???
Here I go...
Swim: In a nice heated pool, 300 metersAfter the swim, on my way in and out of the transition area:
Bike, 12.75 miles:
Run: 3 milesAfter the race:
I surprised myself BIG time. I guess the half got me in way better shape than I thought...this race felt GREAT! It really was sooo fun. I don't know if maybe it was because it wasn't my first time this time, or if I really was in better shape, but I just enjoyed it so much. And it didn't wipe me out the whole day like the first one I did, or the half. Yay. But now I wanna do another's so addicting! But really, not sure if I will, just because these races cost sooo much. After the half, race for the cure, and this one, I've already spent $160 on just the races...not to mention all the other STUFF you need, like gear, recovery drinks, etc... So, we'll see... anyone want to do a tri with me?


Barb said...

Congratulations to you both! Tiffany- you look amazing!!

Trieste said...

Yay for both of you! I am amazed at you running the half and doing the go!

Two and a Crew! said...

I think it would be so much fun to do a triathlon, but I don't think I could make it. You amaze me Tiff! I would have to train and get myself into shape.

Jake and Heidi said...

your amazing! I sit here having not really done much to get in shape after 3 kids! you are awesome! Inspiring for sure! congrats!

Kevin, Lani, Connor and Crew said...

Wow, Tiff you are amazing! You look so good. And Congrats James on the Graduation! I am inspired to get back into shape, if you can do it with two kids I can do it with one, right...?

Melissa said...

That is awesome! Congrats. I am thinking about doing a 1/2 later this summer, I can't imagine training for that and a triathalon too!

The Summerhays Crew said...

I would love to do a tri with you! You are so awesome Tiff. I love the last picture of you doing a cheer jump, ha!! Way to go, I am super impressed. Tell James Congrats!!

Emily said...

Congrats to both of you! This must be the triathlon you were telling me about on sunday. It looks like fun, maybe I'll have to try one sometime!

Laura said...

You are an inspiration Tiff! Congrats James!

Julie said...

Good job guys!! Congratulations to both of you guys! We can't wait to see you in Bear Lake! Woot Woot!!

Jessica Jackson said...

Congrats to James for graduating! That is really is quite exciting. I can't wait till Pete is done studying 24/7. And good job on the tri! It looks like you had fun.